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Mastering Barbeque Quality with Charcoal!

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

There's something about the smell of charcoal smoke that just makes your mouth water. Whether you're grilling burgers, ribs, or chicken, there's no denying that charcoal barbeque has a unique flavor that can't be replicated with gas or electric grills. But if you're new to charcoal barbecue, it can be a bit daunting to know where to start. In this article, we put together all guides you need to help you get the best barbeque using charcoal.

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Barbeque with Indonesia charcoal
Barbeque with Charcoal

First, what is charcoal?

Charcoal is made from wood or any biomaterial such as coconut shel, palm kernel shell, sawdust, that has been burned in a low-oxygen environment. This process creates a hard, carbon-rich substance that burns very hot. Charcoal is used in barbecue grills because it produces a smoky flavor that is not possible with other types of fuel.

Indonesia sawdust charcoal briquette for barbeque or grill
Sawdust charcoal briquette for barbeque or grill

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How to light charcoal

There are a few different ways to light charcoal, but the most common method is to use a chimney starter. A chimney starter is a metal container that you fill with charcoal and then light with a match or lighter. Once the charcoal is lit, it will take about 20-30 minutes to burn down to ash.

Lighting Indonesia sawdust charcoal briquette
Illustration lighting sawdust charcoal briquette

How to set up the grill

Once the charcoal is lit, you need to set up the grill properly. If you are cooking with direct heat, you will want to pile the charcoals on one side of the grill. If you are cooking with indirect heat, you will want to pile the charcoals on one side of the grill and leave the other side empty.

How to control the temperature

The temperature of the grill is important for getting a good barbeque. If the temperature is too high, your food will burn. If the temperature is too low, your food will not cook properly. You can control the temperature of the grill by adjusting the vents.

Burning Indonesia lump charcoal
Burning lump charcoal

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How to marinate your food

Marinating your food before you grill it will help to tenderize it and add flavor. There are many different marinade recipes available, so you can find one that suits your taste.

How to cook your food evenly

It is important to cook your food evenly so that it doesn't get overcooked or undercooked. If you are cooking with direct heat, you will need to flip your food frequently. If you are cooking with indirect heat, you can cook your food for a longer period of time without having to flip it.

Barbeque food with Indonesia lump charcoal
Cook food with charcoal

How to let your food rest

Once your food is cooked, it is important to let it rest for a few minutes before serving. This will allow the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more tender and flavorful dish.

Additional tips:
  • Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of your food. This will help you to ensure that your food is cooked to the desired level of doneness!

  • Don't overcrowd the grill. If you put too much food on the grill, it will not cook evenly.

  • Clean the grill after you are finished using it. This will help to prevent rust and buildup of food particles.


With these tips, you will be well on your way to grilling the perfect barbecue! So fire up the grill and get cooking!

In addition to the tips above, here are a few more things to keep in mind when grilling with charcoal!
  • Use dry charcoal. Wet charcoal will not burn as hot and will produce more smoke.

  • Start with a hot fire. This will help to sear the food and lock in the juices.

  • Cook over indirect heat for longer cooking times. This will help to cook the food evenly and prevent it from burning.

  • Baste the food with marinade or sauce during cooking. This will help to keep the food moist and flavorful.

  • Let the food rest before serving. This will allow the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a more tender and flavorful dish.

If you need any types of charcoal supply directy from the best material resources, let us know!

Cocologi, your most reliable charcoal supplier.

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